Cultivating gratitude: a boost to well-being

Cultivating gratitude: a boost to well-being

Did you know that cultivating gratitude is essential to our mental, physical and spiritual health? According to meditation teacher Tara Brach, a simple exercise of writing about three things “I am grateful for” a day and sending it to somebody may induce relief even...
Meditation retreat journal: Peace starts here

Meditation retreat journal: Peace starts here

Going into retreat, we lean into the unknown. And if we trust and allow it, come out nourished and transformed. This is a meditaion retreat journal about my experience in France. I had been wanting to go on meditation retreat at Plum Village, established by Zen master...
Staying afloat while dealing with winter depression

Staying afloat while dealing with winter depression

I want to talk with you about difficult feelings. Sensations and emotions that occur when one is dealing with “winter depression.” For example, when it feels so difficult to get out of bed in the morning during wintertime; when I’m lacking energy during...
Breath and bandhas: aliveness and sustanaibility

Breath and bandhas: aliveness and sustanaibility

When preparing for my lecture on breath and bandhas on the Spain yoga teacher training, I wanted to illustrate “alive” versus “lifeless.” Picture a dancer raising her arm and lowering it down, or standing then spiraling down to the ground – while holding her...
Holding space for pain: it’s okay to be not okay

Holding space for pain: it’s okay to be not okay

There has been quite a lot on my mind about holding space for pain, that I want to share with you. However, it isn’t easy to streamline all of these thoughts, especially because they come from a vulnerable place. I want to reassure you of something that is my lived...