For over a year now, we have been experiencing a reality that is very unlike the one we had been used to. Keep reading and listen to the aliveness meditation I’ve recorded for you.

The world may often feel overwhelming and beyond any sense of control. And while we may not gain outer control by practicing meditation, we may find ease and joy.

When I look back, I realize that a year ago my energy and approach were quite different! Even if it was hard, it was all new – and with novel challenges, we usually activate all our resources to cope the best we can.

With the time passing, many of us have at some point felt numb or flat. As if the pool of energy has been stagnant or resources running out. And this is all natural, with such a protracted period of difficulties.

The good news is, that we now have more sunshine and warmth to fill up on, and there is our practice to keep supporting us… I’ve recorded a five-minute guided meditation, to sense into the aliveness that’s there if you listen deeply and with kind attention.

Access the audio at the link below, and I hope to see you in our regular mindfulness meditation sessions every Monday at 6 p.m. Budapest time.