With the fall kicking in with full force, I find that it can be difficult to maintain my energy level and a cheerful mood. It may, however, be enough to get onto the mat for 15-20 minutes each morning to practise energizing yoga poses to boost our mood and refresh the body!
Here are some of my favourite energizing yoga poses, feel free to do any variation of them while respecting the signals of your body.
Before you get into the first posture, it may feel nice to spend a few minutes grounding yourself. You may do this in a seated position or in child’s pose, or simply by lying down on your mat.
Observe your breathing and body sensations, and maybe ask yourself what your intention for your practice and for your day ahead is.
In between the poses, you may want to stretch, do a few cat-cow tilts or a traditional vinyasa sequence*, or simply rest – listen to your body and do what feels right in the moment.
Let's see some energizing yoga postures!
Goddess pose: Utkata Konasana

Eagle pose: Garudasana

Energizing yoga pose: wild thing or Camatkarasana

This position requires a stable downward-facing dog and a sufficiently warm back: wild thing involves a backbend. From down-dog, lift one leg, bend it while opening up your hip, and slowly lower the leg on the opposite side while stabilizing through the hands and your other foot. When your foot reaches the ground, press and lift your hips up, extending the same-side arm. Enjoy the expansion of the ribcage and breathe into it.
As a preparatory pose, you may do side plank. For detailed instruction on this pose, follow this link.
Locust pose or Shalabasana

This energizing yoga pose strengthens the back and requires the use of your core power. Lying on the ground, press your pubic bone down and lift your chest up, while rolling your shoulders and side ribs back. Keep your abdomen and buttocks engaged and feet pressing together while lifted. You will be resting on your lower ribs, belly, and front pelvis. You do not need to lift your gaze high, avoid crunching your neck.
If you have pain in your back or next, try these variations instead.
A queen of energizing yoga poses: shoulder stand or Salamba Sarvangasana

Instead of the free-standing variation, you could also simply raise your legs up against a wall while in a supine position. You can still enjoy enhancing circulation in your legs. While playing with these energizing yoga poses, make sure you make safety a priority!
If you prefer to practise more grounding instead of energizing yoga poses, check out this sequence of 5 grounding yoga poses.
* A sequence of mountain pose, lowering down, stepping back to downward-facing dog, plank pose, lowering down to cobra pose and downward-facing dog again can be considered a basic vinyasa. Feel free to go through this between as many of the following poses as you like.