Introduction to mindfulness meditation

A 7-session beginner mindfulness meditation course

Does your mind often race, resulting in reactivity? Do you find it difficult to be kind to yourself?

You are not alone.


Learn the foundations of a meditation practice: cultivate well-being and nurture your relationship with yourself and others in our beginner mindfulness meditation course.

Next dates: 15 May – 3 July 2024 (there is no class on 26 June)

This course takes place in downtown Budapest. It includes email handouts and audio recordings to support your practice.

Why join this beginner mindfulness meditation course?

  • Gain tools for navigating emotions in a supportive and safe environment
  • You’ll co-create a space where you can show up as you are
  • Learn to pause and centre yourself
  • Build a practice that helps reduce your daily stress
  • Tap into self-acceptance through guided meditations
  • Be supported by somatic practices for grounding and energizing
  • Start recognizing and befriending your thoughts and emotions as they occur in the present.
Eszter Farkas sitting in a meditation posture inside a room.

Mindfulness is a spacious, kind, non-judging awareness of the present. – Jack Kornfield

Secure your spot by filling the registration form

Course registration
Please choose the payment tier that reflects what you can afford.
What draws you to meditation the most? Check all that are relevant to you.

Who is this meditation course for?

  • Ideal for complete beginners seeking to benefit from mindfulness meditation
  • Suitable for meditators with experience wanting to deepen their practice in community with others
  • Revisit mindfulness, loving-kindness, and self-compassion concepts in a supportive environment.

What shall I expect?

This course takes place on Wednesdays, 15 May to 26 June 2024.

Timing: 18:30 – 20:00

Location: 1065 Budapest, Révay u. 14.

Language: English

This beginner mindfulness meditation course is limited to 10 people to create an intimate and safe atmosphere for personal inquiry.

The course provides written handouts and access to guided audio meditations for three months to support the establishment of a consistent practice.

You’ll be invited to a practice session after course completion and encouraged to join the regular Monday drop-in online meditations. Transformation lies in regular practice.

A group of people meditating in a room.

If you need more information before you sign up, feel free to email me to set up a free 15-minute call!

Course curriculum outline

Session 1: Introduction to mindfulness

Session 2: Mindfulness of breath and body

Session 3: Working with emotions

Session 4: Working with thoughts and beliefs

Session 5: Nourishing a kind heart

Session 6: Self-compassion through RAIN

Session 7: Walking meditation, integration session, questions and reflections

I think Eszter’s quality of “all is welcome” allows for people to bring their experiences to class without judgment. She allows space for people in all stages of their journey with mindfulness and meditation, gently inquiring about their experience.


The meditation of thoughts helped me disentangle myself from negative thoughts and it’s the most important thing I’ve gained from this course.
N. K.

Your energy and presence is always welcoming and feels safe and nonjudgmental. The space you create is inclusive and supportive. I liked the way each class was dedicated to a specific aspect of mindfulness.
Nurangiz K.

I really enjoyed the beginner course and will highly recommend it to everyone interested to deepen their knowledge or practice in mindfulness.
Alketa L.

About the instructor


Eszter has been practising meditation for 10 years, and started studying with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield in 2019. She completed Jack and Tara’s two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) in 2023. Beyond the MMTCP, she continues to gain insight and nourishment by practising in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village tradition.  You can read more about her vision and teaching style on this page.


To get to know Eszter’s voice and guidance, listen to her free guided meditations on the Insight Timer app.

Secure your spot in our beginner mindfulness meditation course

Please choose the payment tier that reflects what you can afford. You will receive detailed information about the course details upon completion of the registration form above.


If you have questions and to set up a 15-minute inquiry call, email Eszter at


Regular course fee: 57,000 HUF.


Discounted price for students, single mothers, or those in financial need: 47,000 HUF.

Cancellation and refunds

No refunds are available within two weeks before the course. However, payments can be transferred to the next available beginner course or workshops. Within two weeks of the starting date, cancellations are possible with an administrative fee of 9,000 HUF.